Svadobná pozvánka k stolu - Víno a vlčí mak - levanduľa
Detaily produktu:
- pozvánka ako kartička bez otvárania,
- rozmer pozvánky je ~9x5 cm,
- pozvánky vám dodáme jednotlivo narezané,
- vytlačená je na 250g/m2 papieri s extra hladkým povrchom,
- jednostranná potlač,
- nelesklá farebná tlač,
- font, text, farbu písma a rozmery je možné zmeniť,
- pre dodanie vašich údajov na pozvánky vás budeme kontaktovať emailom,
- rovnakým spôsobom nám doplníte aj požiadavky na zmeny, prípadne nám ich môžete vpísať pri vytváraní objednávky do poľa pre poznámku,
- k danému motívu pozvánky u nás nájdete aj svadobné oznámenia a svadobné menovky,
- okrem toho k pozvánkam na vyžiadanie v danom motíve doladíme aj potlač obálok, svadobné menu, kartičky s číslami stolov, kartičky alebo samolepky na výslužky, zasadací poriadok a pod.
Pre viac informácií nás neváhajte kontaktovať. Radi vám odpovieme na vaše otázky a pripravíme tlačoviny na mieru podľa vašich želaní.
More products in this style
Free wedding stationery design
We will prepare an offer with a design according to your wishes free of charge
Personal approach
We treat each customer and order personally. All themes can be customized according to your requirements.
All in the same theme
In the selected theme, you will find announcements, invitations to the table and name tags. On request, we will also prepare other types of printed materials.
Great price
Even for a small number of pieces, we offer a favorable price. Are you not satisfied with our price or have you found a better offer elsewhere? Write to us and we will agree together.
How it works
If you want to get informations first and do not want to create an order right away, you can contact us by email, in the chat directly on the page, or via the form.
Place the selected products in the basket and complete the order.
We will contact you by email, agree on the details and make designs.
We will make samples from the selected designs and send them to you free of charge so that you can make a better decision.
You approve the final products first and than you will pay the invoice.
After receiving the payment, we will prepare the ordered products, carefully pack them and send them to you.